The Mission of PTSD Insights.. is to provide veterans.. active duty personnel.. and their families.. with a place to find insight into the unseen injury of Traumatic Stress.. and the impact.. that is too often misunderstood .. and left untreated.

      Our Objective.. Is to take a look at the continuing aftermath of Traumatic Stress events .. from the perspective of a combat veteran.. who has spent the past 50+ years.. learning to live with his conditions.   


     It is my hope.. that we can provide an expanded understanding of the continuing impact of Traumatic Stress on our overall health.. and well-being. 


    Two Caveats

     One  -  I am not a medical .. or mental health professional. All comments are from my own experiences.. learning how to best address my own challenges.

      Two..  It is important.. that we remember that.. I am an Expert” on one                    journey.. my own..  and.. can only speak to that journey.

    It is my understanding.. that Medical Professionals.. have set forth three broad type of stressful events.. that can cause challenging Post Traumatic Stress conditions to develop.. and persist:


1) Any event where someone has been threatened.. with death.. 

or serious injury.. to themselves..

( or .. )

      2)  witnessed.. the event happening to someone else…

( or has.. )

        3)  repeatedly been exposed.. to ongoing.. high stress.. activity.


     During  my Vietnam experience.. I found myself exposed me to all three of these suggested events that cause Post Traumatic Stress conditions.

     For me.. the conditions that developed as the result of my traumatic stress were multi-dimensional and pervasive.. a comprehensive collection of symptoms.  They impacted every aspect of my life.. which in turn.. impacted everyone around me.. family.. friends.. co-workers.. grocery clerks.. barista that served me my coffee.. etc.

      At the time.. and continuing today.. the Medical Profession.. more specifically the Mental Health Professionals.. classifies Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).. as a psychiatric disorder.  .. This unfortunate designation.. created a stigma for me.. and many other veterans.   The result was a reluctance to seek help with my struggles for several years. 

     My subsequent experiences.. led me to eventually understand the importance of acknowledging.. and addressing the conditions ~ not ignoring them.. or using them as an excuse for destructive behaviors.         

     Following 15 years of self-medication with alcohol, I entered a Phoenix substance abuse treatment facility.   In addition to introduction to the Twelve Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous, which likely saved my life, the treatment program also included pain management counseling, and mindfulness and meditation practices.

  Thankfully, during treatment, I also participated in several cognitive therapy sessions that provide a foundation that allowed me to gain insight and understanding of numerous emotional, psychological and spiritual impacts of my Vietnam experiences. 

   After significant introspection, I came to the belief that the solution to my unmanageable, chaotic, existence was the development of a continuing Spiritual Practice to serve as my guideline in how to embrace life.  Only then would the inner peace and serenity necessary to live a truly full and wholesome life, be within my grasp.








wounded warrior