chronic pain
CLEVELAND CLINIC: “Chronic pain last months.. or years.. and can occur in all parts of the body. Chronic pain interferes with daily activities.. such as working.. having a social life.. and taking care of yourself.. or others. It can lead to depression.. anxiety.. and trouble sleeping.. all of which can make your pain worse. Chronic pain is characterized by an ongoing pain cycle.. that is difficult to break.”
In addition to physical impairments.. emotional.. and psychological challenges.. chronic pain presented me with an ongoing problem for several years. Although the Doctors were able to save my right leg from amputation.. the significant nerve damage sustained from the blast.. left me with debilitating pain in the leg.. from the foot.. to the hip. Every step I took.. any weight placed on the leg.. produced a burning.. shooting pain.
Over the years.. doctors attempted to treat the pain with a wide range of treatment sources.. with only limited.. if any relief: ~ Nerve Blocks.. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.. Muscle Relaxants.. Several Arthritis Medications.. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs.. Topical Pain Relievers.. Heat Therapy.. Cold Therapy.. Anti-anxiety Medications.. Anti-Depressants. Eventually leading to Opioids in the early 2000’s. Tramadol every four hours.. and Hydrocodone every six.. or for flare-ups. Even with these medications.. the pain was near debilitating at times ~ with my sleep flexibility.. and balance significantly compromised.
It is my belief that chronic pain conditions.. are in themselves.. a form of Traumatic Stress.. adding to.. and exhibiting the same stress conditions.. that a person exposed to any other form of Traumatic Stress.. may suffer with.
Finally.. in late 2015.. suffering with Stage 3 Kidney impairment.. I was introduced to the VA Integrated Health Clinic. Over the past 8+ years.. working with the Clinics Health Coach.. I have been introduced to.. and embraced.. a wide range of alternative therapies. In combination.. these therapies have dramatically reduced my pain levels.. improved my flexibility.. balance.. and my overall health.. and well being.
I plan to discuss these life changing therapies.. in future blogs.