About the Author

from Despair ~ to Acceptance ~ to Spiritual Growth ~ to Inner Peace

        I am a Vietnam combat veteran… critically wounded in May of 1970.  Somehow the medivac crew.. and the doctors and nurses at 27th Surgical hospital in Chu Lai.. kept me alive.

       My experiences left me with physical impairments.. chronic pain.. survivor’s guilt.. moral distress.. and what today is called PTSD.

        Following 15 years of self-medication with alcohol.. I found myself in a place of deep.. dark.. despair. My life was completely out of control… and it seemed that I was sinking into a bottomless pit.. with no way out.

      I was desperately looking for a solution.. any solution.. to my chaotic existence.  In February 1986.. I entered an alcohol treatment program at a facility in Phoenix, Arizona.  The Counselors.. and the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.. most likely saved my life. 

      Thankfully.. the treatment program included several cognitive therapy session.. that helped me begin to deal with the psychological.. emotional.. and spiritual impacts of my experiences ~ and provided the foundation for me to begin to develop a wholesome.. productive life.  

       In the years since.. I have been on a continuous journey of personal discovery ~ learning how to live with my impairments.. how to manage my pain.. and find inner peace and serenity.   I have come to believe that life is a a process.. that there is an ebb and flow to life’s events .. and.. that if we attune ourselves to this rhythm of life.. we will facilitate our personal growth.. and gain expanded insight from every experience that we encounter.

    The experience has convinced me that with an honest effort.. an open mind.. and perseverance.. we learn.. we grow.. and we move forward .. little by little.  Future postings.. are intended to offer numerous insights.. and observations.. related to significant lessons that I have learned during my journey.


There is not a single way.  I share the path I have found best for me.. with hope that it will enrich your journey.


current treatment environment


future posting