Over they next several weeks, It is my intention to provide insight and observations related to the management of my Post-Traumatic Stress over the past 50+ years.  In future postings.. I will shed some light on the following stages of my journey.

PTSD > Chronic Pain > Destructive Behaviors > Pathway to Recovery > Medical Challenges > Stress Management >

Alternative Therapies > Spiritual Growth > Mindful Awareness > Inner Peace

     I have come to understand that life is a process.. a continuous journey.  That the ebb and flow of that journey will present a sequence of events attracting our attention.. inviting our involvement. It is my belief that if we attune ourselves to this rhythm of life.. we will facilitate both our personal growth and our contributions to the ordered flow.      

    I have found that progress is neither swift nor easy; that we learn.. we grow.. and we move forward.. little by little.  Reflecting on the past reveals that indeed we do find the strength and ability to cope with any experience that may ripple our calm, and that the tides of turmoil wash in new awareness, heightened perceptions, and measurable calm.

  I have learned that mistakes and setbacks are a fact of life.. and are useful guideposts to the destination we are headed  ~   and they help us stay on course.. providing we are willing to learn from them. Tragedies are guaranteed to trigger first pain, then perceptible growth, and finally tranquility. Over and over again we pass through these stages that are designed to nurture our fuller development as healthy human beings. Over and over we see that these tough times teach us what we’re ready to learn.

  Although we can never be certain of an outcome.. we can be sure of our effort.. and and honest effort will provide us with an opportunity to make measurable progress.


In the noisy confusion of life.. strive to maintain our own inner peace.. while you do those things that bring you happiness.. and contributes to the greater good of humanity’

                                                                            From Desiderata by Max Ehrmann